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I chose to create a blog called A to Z because I could not pin point exactly what I wanted to share. I know many people have themed blogs or write about one specific aspect of their life, but for me, I wanted to share lots of different things. My objective is the create a unique reading experience for my followers and give them a glimpse of the things I care about.

My name is Ashley, I am a young professional with a career in staffing and recruiting. I started with the Ledgent Search Group a year ago specializing in permanent placement for accounting and finance professionals. It has been extremely rewarding learning process and I am eager to see what the future brings. Outside of my career, there are a lot of things that take priority in my life. I have an amazing boyfriend who has supported me through my life's journeys for the past 4 years. We share a very special bond and have recently moved into a new condo together.

In my blog you will find information and stories about very different aspects of my life. From job openings and accounting and finance market data to traveling and road races. I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I will. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

Much love, xoxo



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